Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year, New Employment

In particular, chiropractic employment! I really loved my time at Starbucks, and recommend it to anyone looking for stimulating, fun casual work. I miss my sbux friends in Calgary a TONNE and really value the new friends I made at my store on Pembina. After some much needed recovery time, I'm ready to get back to my career.

Shortly after moving here, I met an Activator doctor practicing in Lorette, a small town about 15 minutes southeast of the city. She runs a busy, three-doctor, community and family centred practice that I find an absolute inspiration. However, she has no room for a fourth doctor. I will be doing a locum for her during February and a week of April, while she takes some trips.

It quickly became clear, after speaking with several doctors about associateships and starting practice, that every Chiropractor has a unique and individual style of practice. It looked unlikely for me to find a place in an existing practice, so I started gathering information about starting a new practice.

I also knew one of the doctors was selling her practice in the Lorette office, because she needs to devote herself to her husband's practice in the city, as he is now on permanent disability. Once I've looked over the financials from the past few years, I'll be able to determine a fair value for the clinic. Starting a practice or buying a practice will both require considerable capital. The major advantage of buying an existing practice is walking into an established clientele. This represents a much lower risk, both to lenders, and to my potential income.

The major advantage of starting from scratch is the power to choose my location. Unfortunately, Lorette is far from where we live right now. I'll see what the drive is like when I do the locums. Nonetheless, I am very excited about my return to Chiropractic, and the prospect of working in such a dynamic practice, which follows my Chiropractic technique and philosophy. It will be a privilege to work with an office of likeminded doctors, because it is truly a rarity in this profession.
- Jo

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